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Say Hello to ITC: Explore Our New Website & Branding

Welcome to the new ITC!

We're excited to finally share our long-awaited vision and website with the public. We’ve been serving our diverse customer base for over four decades, and we’re proud to continue our growth alongside the industries that have supported us for so many years. 

This project began with several big ideas. We wanted to bring new life to our brand identity, respect the history of our company and industries, and create a more user-friendly resource for our customers to take advantage of through the new website.

Watch the video below for a quick tour of the site!

Dive into some of the exciting new features:

Single-Site Navigation

The new ITC website brings all of our industries together under one umbrella. By transitioning from separate sites for each industry to a single ITC site, not only are we embracing the knowledge we’ve amassed over years serving diverse industries, but we’ve created a smoother navigational experience for customers and team members. 

Many of our greatest strengths come from our cross-industry experience, and our new brand identity reflects that. With a simple dropdown in the site’s primary navigation menu, visitors can quickly navigate to one of our six industry pages—Marine, RV, Automotive, Specialty Vehicles, Workplace, and Architectural (formerly elio®)—without ever leaving the main site. 

User-Friendly Functionality

To create a smoother user experience on the new site, we’ve simplified many of our style elements, instead opting for larger imagery, a contemporary color pallet, and more concise messaging to direct users exactly where to go. 

By focusing on the journey users will take as they traverse the site, we cleaned up and reorganized essential information to create an intuitive hierarchy, making it easy to explore. For customers looking for a specific page or product, the search option is always visible in the site header.    

Intuitive Product Pages

Products are easy to find on each industry page by scrolling past the header, and with new category browsing options in the sidebar, customers can quickly sort through different types of products.

Once on a specific product page, the details and any available resources including full spec sheets, installation instructions, or line drawings are neatly organized in accordion-style drop downs below the main product image and description. At the bottom of each product page, customers can also explore suggested related products with one click.    

Enticing Careers

Our new Careers page is designed to show off all the best things about ITC,  encouraging interested applicants to apply by providing a clear overview of our great culture. With new sections for featured positions, workplace awards, and benefits, future employees will quickly be able to understand who we are. 

Current Industry & Company News

With all of our industries living on one website, our News page now functions as a hub for product news, industry stories, company events, lifestyle blogs, and more—all while offering filtering options so readers can sort through articles to find exactly what they’re interested in.  


Our New Logo

Our new logo is bright and contemporary, echoing the design history of ITC’s previous logos while embracing a new visual identity. The bold circle surrounding our name represents strength, stability, and our commitment to continuous growth and progress. 

Say Hello to ITC: Explore Our New Website & Branding image


What’s Next?

We hope this new chapter in our brand story is as exciting for you as it is for us! We’re looking forward to evolving these tools as we grow, embracing our new identity, and continuing to provide the high-quality products and services that we always have. 

We encourage you to explore the new site and get familiar with the navigation. If you have questions or run into any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out through our contact form in the footer.